Mrs. Howe

Week of September 4

Wednesday- "Get to know you" activities

Thursday- Continue "Get to know you" activities;  Soup, Salad, Sandwich-- Group work expectations


Week of September 9

Monday- Go over expectations (signed sheet due Wednesday); group drawing activity 

Tuesday- Geography Pre Assessment 

Wednesday- Set up folders; Introduce Quality Continents and Ocean Map

Thursday- Work time for Continents and Oceans Map

Friday- Technology Lesson and Chromebook checkout

Week of September 16

Monday-Work time for Continents and Oceans Map

Tuesday-Work time for Continents and Oceans Map

Wednesday- Introduce Tech Task 1

Thursday- Finish Tech Task 1; Geography Preview: Create your own town

Friday- Continue/Share Create your own town; Parts of Maps, if time

Week of September 23

Monday-Finish Parts of Maps; Go over Atlas Practice Packet and Sub Expectations (Mrs. Howe in training Sept. 24-26)

Tuesday- Thursday- Atlas Practice Assignments, begin

Friday- ASB Senate Elections; Review Atlas Practice, if time

Week of September 30

Monday-Physical Map of Asia

Tuesday- MAP Testing/Physical Map

Wednesday- Physical Map work time

Thursday- Folder Check Sheet (folders due next Thursday); Introduce Tech Task 2

Friday- No School

Week of October 7

Monday-Finish Tech Task 2; Introduce Tech Task 3

Tuesday- MAP Testing/ Tech Task 3

Wednesday- Finish Tech Tasks; Parts of Map Blooket Game

Thursday- Folders due; Thematic Maps

Friday- Finish Thematic Maps; Thematic Map bonus

Week of October 14

Monday- Finish Thematic Map Bonus; Population Density Activity

Tuesday-Population Density Nearpod

Wednesday-Conference goal sheet

Thursday- Population Questions

Friday-Latitude and Longitude Nearpod

Week of October 21 (Conference Week 12:15 Release)

Monday (Periods 1, 2, 3)--Continue Latitude and Longitude Nearpod; Lat and Long Practice

Tuesday (Periods 4, 5, 6)--Continue Latitude and Longitude Nearpod; Lat and Long Practice

Wednesday (Periods 1, 2, 3)--Latitude and Longitude of SE Asia

Thursday (Periods 4, 5, 6)--Latitude and Longitude of SE Asia

Friday (Special Scheule)--No regular classes-- Homeroom, Assembly, Activities

 September 5-7
 September 5-7