Jefferson Accelerated Math & Science (JAMS) Program

2025-2026 Enrollment Process


Jefferson MS logoWe are pleased that you are interested in having your student consider the Olympia School District Accelerated Middle School Program at Jefferson Middle School (JAMS). Here is the information that you will need to know in order to enroll your student in the lottery process.


Step 1

You are encouraged to attend a parent/student JAMS information night at Jefferson Middle School on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 6:00-7:00 p.m.


  • Location: Jefferson Middle School library


If you missed the event, please review the slideshow from the 2024 presentation at the bottom of the page.


Step 2

Parents/Guardians fill out the application via the link below.




All applications must be completed by 4 PM, Friday, March 14, 2025 to be considered.  


Step 3

The lottery will be attended by the Principal and the JAMS teachers.

Parents/Guardians will be notified of the lottery results by 4 PM on March 21, 2025 by email that was provided on the application.


Step 4

If selected for the JAMS program, complete the acceptance form (which will be emailed to you at the time of acceptance) no later than 4pm on March 28, 2025.  


Selection rules and procedures for the lottery:

  1. Students must be entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade in the fall of 2025.
  2. In-district applicants have priority over out-of-district applicants.
  3. Students designated as Highly Capable by the Olympia School District have first priority in the program.
  4. All applicants meeting the following criteria will be considered for the JAMS program:

a. Students who are qualified for Highly Capable

b. SBA Scores for ELA, Math, and Science at a level 3 or 4. (Spring 2024 scores)

c. MAP scores for Reading and Math above the 85th percentile. (Fall 2024 scores)



Students meeting the selection criteria will be assigned a number that will be used in a selection lottery until all spots are filled.  



The remaining students will also be assigned a number that will be submitted into a random lottery until all spots are filled and/or will determine their place on the Waitlist.


  • Families  will have a deadline to accept or decline the invitation to enroll in the program. Those families who decline placement for the 2025-2026 school year will have their names removed from the lottery list but may reapply the following year to enter the lottery again.


  • For the following school years, returning students who have successfully completed the current year will continue in the program.


  • As spots open up, families on the waitlist will be notified and will be given 7 days from the date of notification to accept or decline the invitation to enroll in the program.  If spots open during the school year, they will be offered to the person based on the remaining waiting list. Late applicants will be added to the waitlist based on the selection criteria.
  • Each year, a new lottery will be held for the incoming sixth-grade class and openings in the seventh and eighth-grade program. A new wait list will be established each year.


For further information:

Email [email protected] or call the Jefferson Middle School front office at (360) 596-3200.