JMS News

Jagwire News (Updated 6/10/2024)
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Hello Jaguars families

JAG WIRE 6.10.24

ASB Officers

We are thrilled to announce our 24-25 Associated Student Body (ASB) Officers:

  • President: Russell Shrestha

  • Vice President: Veronica Fox

  • Secretary: Gillian (GG) Craig

  • Treasurer: Maebel Johns

We are very proud of all the Jaguars who participated in the election process, showcasing their leadership skills and dedication. We are excited for the upcoming year with these outstanding students leading the way!


JUNE 10 - Legacy Walk of 2024 high school graduates @ JMS 11:30 am

JUNE 10 - 8th Grade Celebration Dance 6:30-8:00 pm (for 8th graders only)

JUNE 11 - 8th graders walk to CHS for a tour by CHS Link Crew Leaders

JUNE 11 & 13 - REACH Performances, 7-8:30 pm at JMS

JUNE 12 - OSD Band Bash, at Ingersoll Stadium, 7 pm 

JUNE 13 Engineer This Showcase

JUNE 14 - 6th/7th Chromebook collection, Yearbook Distribution & End of Year Assembly &  Locker Cleanout

JUNE 17 - 8th Grade Farewell Breakfast (students & staff only)

JUNE 17 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony for families at 11:00 am to noon in the gym

JUNE 17 - JMS All School Field Day after lunches & Promotion

JUNE 18 - Last Day of School (half day, no lunches served)


We must continue to foster a respectful and kind environment for all students and staff. We kindly ask for your support in reinforcing the following expectations with your child:

  1. Respect and Kindness: Encourage your child to always be respectful and kind towards their peers and school staff. Treating others with kindness and consideration creates a positive school environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

  2. Cell Phone Usage: Cell phones can be addictive and disruptive to the learning environment. To minimize distractions, cell phones are only allowed during passing time and lunch. We appreciate your support in helping us create a focused learning environment for all students.

  3. Social Drama: Social drama can harm and disrupt the school community. We encourage students to resolve conflicts peacefully and seek help from a trusted adult. It is important that all students feel safe and supported at school.

Thank you for your continued support in helping us maintain a positive and respectful beloved school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for being part of our school community!

Principal Allaire